Simultaneous Translation

Simultaneous translation is required at many events that take place in Astana. Usually these are conferences or forums with participation of representatives of international organizations such as UNDP, UNESCO, OSCE, World Bank, Red Cross, etc.

Simultaneous translation requires rich vocabulary, good reaction, ability to listen and speak at the same time as well as the ability to immediately find a synonym if the right word doesn’t come to one’s mind. It is a great skill to deal with all the figures, names and places, let alone technical terms and abbreviations. Simultaneous translator is a highly educated specialist with a rich experience in both translation and interpretation, translator’s vocabulary and background information should constantly be enriched.

It is advisable to contact the simultaneous translator good time in advance and provide him or her with all the materials that are available in order to fascilitate the translator’s work and ensure the best quality. Simultaneous translators always work in pairs, switching every 15 minutes, since simultaneous translation is quite an exhausting process.

Being a simultaneous translator is more then just a profession, it is rather a lifestyle, quite challenging sometimes but exciting, too.

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